Joyful Healing Laughter

Celebrating 17 years in Cincinnati!

         Filmed by PBS NOVA

 ~ currently on pause ~

3rd Wednesday of each month
 (since 2007) 


Laughter is nature's most powerful stress buster and can have a profound effect on our health and well being.  It lifts our spirits, oxygenates our bodies, strengthens the immune system, reduces blood pressure, stimulates “happy” chemistry, improves our attitude & behavior and helps create peace in ourselves and our world.  Come learn and experience what laughter yoga can do for you!
Dr. Madan Kataria created laughter yoga in 1995 with 5 people. Today there are thousands of laughter clubs in over 120 countries.

Judi is Available for Speaking Engagements

Laughter Yoga Presentations
businesses, organizations, conferences, wellness programs,
lunch & learns, clubs, support groups, etc.

Also available for:
Breakout Sessions
Family Reunions

513-899-3115 or [email protected]

Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training

~ Currently not available ~

  This 2-day experiential training will give you a thorough understanding of 
Laughter Yoga…the history, applications, contra-indications, etc., and much practical experience so that you are able to confidently talk about and present it to various groups.  All aspects of Laughter Yoga will be covered with lots of time for
practice and integration.

Contact info:
 Judi AWinall, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher or
Pam Hall, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher
~ both personally trained by Dr. Kataria ~
513-899-3115 or [email protected]

Filmed by PBS NOVA

PBS producers visited the Joyful Healing Laughter Yoga Club 
on April 9, 2012
to film our laughter yoga club for an upcoming Science NOW show.


PBS producers and Judi​ discussing set up for the filming.

The show was scheduled to air October 10.  We didn't know if we would make it 
past the cutting room floor...
We didn't... but we had a great time and we were stellar! 
 HO HO Ha Ha Ha!

Please visit 
Judi's other website and learn about her 
 PsychoSpiritual Mentoring/Teaching  

For more information about Laughter Yoga visit 
Dr. Kataria's website 

Judi ~ Dr. Kataria ~ Pam

​Website designed by Judi A. Winall © 2025