Business Services

7 Compelling Reasons to 
Bring Laughter Yoga to Your Business

1. Quickest Way to Reduce Stress
2. Healthy Exercise for Busy People
3. Peak Performance
4. Team Building
5. Motivation and Communication
6. Innovation and Creativity
7. Increases Attention Span in HR Trainings

  Quickest way to Reduce Stress: The benefits of laughter yoga can be felt from the very first           session. It’s an exercise program which reduces physical, mental and emotional stress                     simultaneously and brings emotional balance. 

  Healthy Exercise for Busy People: Laughter Yoga works like an aerobic exercise. Dr. William       Fry of Stanford University proved that 10 minutes of hearty laughter is equal to 30 minutes on 
a rowing machine. This helps to stimulate heart rate, increasing blood circulation, oxygen 
supply and removes waste products.

Peak Performance: At any given time, performance depends upon mood and Laughter Yoga 
has the power to change the mood state within minutes by releasing neuro-peptides from the brain cells called endorphins. Science tells us that the brain needs 25% more oxygen than 
other body organs. Laughter Yoga increases the net supply of oxygen which helps in optimal performance and boosts energy levels.

Team Building: ‘People who laugh together work well together.’ Laughter Yoga is a powerful
 tool that connects people easily. It assists with developing a positive mental attitude, hope and 
optimism as well as increases communication skills to help in team building.

Motivation And Communication: For people working in front office, sales, marketing and basically all areas of business, Laughter Yoga helps to bring a smile on their face and generate good feelings.This enhances their communication and motivational skills thus increasing the 
client base and customer satisfaction as well as a more cohesive work environment.

Innovation And Creativity: The childlike playfulness in Laughter Yoga stimulates right brain activity, which is the seat of creativity. This helps generate new ideas and new insights for 
creative innovation as well as workplace issues and problems.

Increases Attention Span in HR Trainings: The human brain cannot concentrate for more 
than 90 minutes. After that the attention span decreases. A short 15-20 minute Laughter Yoga session can provide a great energy boost during long HR training sessions and conferences. 
It helps to increase the attention span, enhance learning skills, 
concentration powers and potential.

Website designed by Judi A. Winall © 2025

Laughter Yoga Presentations
 and Workshops

These presentations are designed  to
assist companies and organizations in:

~ implementing stress management 
~ promote team building and positive attitude
~ enhance communication
~ transform individual and group performance
~ increase motivation, innovation
        as well as creativity  

Introductory Presentation (30 minutes): This encompasses the origin
 of Laughter Yoga, the spread of this worldwide movement as well as a
full experience of Laughter Yoga. Judi Winall has been 
presenting Laughter Yoga since 2007 and is an enthusiastic,
 inspiring and sought after speaker. 

Full Presentation (60 minutes): This brings together all that is included 
in the Introductory Presentation as well as further instruction and 
integration of learning to laugh without jokes, humor and comedy so 
each individual is able to continue doing laughter yoga on their own.  

Break-Out Sessions/Ice-Breaker (15 - 20 minutes): This short laughter program is an ideal start to conferences and seminar as well 
as in between sessions. It helps to kick start a good mood, change the 
state of mind and energize the participants right from the start. It also 
helps increase the attention span during long training sessions and 
improves efficiency and performance.   

Business & Organization Clients

   GE Aviation
   Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
   Warren County Career Center
   Fifth Third Bank
   Lindner Center of HOPE
   Mt Pleasant Retirement Community
   Cincinnati Health Department
   Ohio University
   Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities
   Northern Kentucky Health Department 
   Llanfair Retirement
   Toyobo Kureha America Co., LTD’
   Miami University - Learning in Retirement
   Cincinnati Recreation Commission
   Northern Kentucky University
   Goldstein Family Grief Center
   Butler County Board Developmental Disabilities
   Cincinnati Children’s Therapeutic Recreation Conference - Keynote
   Mexico Tourism
   Roberts & Roberts Dental Group
   Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action 
   RAP Conference
   Scarlet Oaks
   Butler County ESC
   Seasons Retirement Community
   Pals for Life
   Notre Dame AmeriCorp
   LifeTime Resources
   Clermont Nursing Care Center
   Waynesville Progressive Woman’s Group
   Otterbein Retirement Community
   Active Day Senior Care
   Warren County Board of DD
   Cincinnati Activity Professionals Association - CAPA 
   Recovery Center Wellness Expo
   National Womyn’s Music Festival
   Universal Light Expo
   Season’s Retirement Community
    American Modern

Judi's Media Attention

   Filmed & interviewed by PBS NOVA in April 2012
   Interviewed in Cincy Chic - 2010, 2012 & 2014
   Article in Madison Courier - June 2011 
   Cincinnatians Making a Difference - Starfire 2013
   Interviewed by Live Happy Magazine - 2014

 How Laughter Yoga Works

With prolonged intentional laughter, more carbon dioxide is exhaled... which oxygenates each and every cell of the body and brain. This improves health and well-being, efficiency, 
mental focus and concentration.

Worldwide Attention

BBC and Google Offices are using it, Oprah Winfrey and staff have
experienced it and acknowledge the benefits and British actor
 John Cleese endorses it. 

This innovative concept has been widely accepted all over the world and has been written about in publications like TIME Magazine, The New Yorker, National Geographic, Wall Street Journal, Daily Telegraph and many others.


   Laughter Yoga was the perfect team building activity for our team at General Electric Aviation. On two separate occasions, Judi taught a group
 of 15 people the many health benefits of laughter and then led us through
 a series of laughter 'exercises'. We laughed for the entire session. After 
Judi's visit, the team raved about the uniqueness of the activity and of the positive energy they felt from laughing. The feedback was so positive from
 the first session; I decided to invite Judi back for our Health Fair. 

Judi's passion and enthusiasm about her work gave us our burst of energy 
for our work. Her passion translated to an energetic delivery and great engagement with the participants. In both our sessions at GE, there were 
a handful of persons who were reluctant to start off,
 but Judi’s energy quickly reeled them in.  

I would highly recommend Judi for your next company team builder. 
It will be a great experience for your team and you won't stop
 talking or laughing about it! 

Joe Guth, GE Aviation

 Thank you so much, Judi. This was one of the best programs we've
 offered for our residents. I really appreciate your adaptability to meet our
 needs. I look forward to working with you in the future. 

Lori Shutrump, Mt. Pleasant Retirement Village

 The overall feeling from the group afterward was ‘what a blast’. Most 
people said they would have never considered laughing as a way of 
exercising. I am certain we may do it again in the future.

Nicole Ball, Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce

 Laughing Yoga has been a wonderful part of our Hamilton County DDS “Women’s Health” program for the past 3 years. The visual cues provided 
make it not only doable but enjoyable for everyone. It’s exercise hidden in laughter and playful movement. Laughter Yoga is one of the few exercises 
that our individuals can enjoy as a group. It does not have strict rules about
 the correct or incorrect way to move. It accepts everyone’s abilities.

Peggy Genis, Hamilton County DD

Thank you for bringing your laughter yoga to our offsite meeting last week.
The feedback was fantastic and everyone truly enjoyed themselves. Thanks 
for really showing us there is laughter in everything.

Brooke Alper, TIAA

Participating in Judi Winall's Laughter Yoga session was an absolute joy.  Though at the surface level the exercises appear a bit outside the box, the 
inner life that one experiences while in practice is the true reward. After completing the session, I felt calm, grounded and laser-focused. Judi was thoughtful and kind in her approach and had a wonderful sense of play. 
This is a great exercise for those open to exploring and discovering 
what's outside the box. 

Adam Jones, Community Relations Coordinator, WCBDD